Friday 8 April 2011

Evaluation-Question Seven

Evaluation-Question Six

Using Adobe In-design made my magazine visually pleasing as it looks professional and almost like a real magazine by using bright colours and pictures. Also by using Adobe Photoshop to edit my photos in order for them to look professionally taken. By using tools such as the ‘pen’ tool, it gives more detail by adding little things, which creates a more streamline finish, which would be created by magazine editors. Also by using In-design it saved time creating a look that was finished enough to be called a magazine.

By using a computer my initial designs couldn’t be followed, as the computer wouldn’t allow such designs to be formed. I then had to re-create similar design, which could be constructed easily on In-Design.

By using In-Design, a professional program used by successful graphic designers everywhere, it gave me the opportunity to design a good magazine. By being able to use a program like this a professional looking edge was given to my magazine.

Using the computer has its downfalls, as once I had finished a product the computer shutdown and did not save my final outcome so had to re-design it all again, whereas doing it free-hand all though taking longer would not do this. 

Evaluation-Question Four

Monday 4 April 2011

Question Three Evaluation

The IPC Media (International Publishing Company) was formed in 1963 after the UK three leading magazine companies merged together. Then IPC Magazines were produced 5 years later in 1968.
IPC Media produces over 85 iconic media brands, with our print brands alone reaching almost two third of UK women and 44% of UK men-almost 27 million UK adults.

If my magazine would be sold in reality I would choose IPC Media to distribute it. I feel my magazine would be suitable for IPC to distribute as from researching there company I feel their target audience is mainly women as they have distributed high selling magazines such as Mizz, Look and Marie Claire.  I feel my magazine is a genre of magazine that hasn’t been covered by IPC Media yet so I feel this could attract a different audience who are interested in R&B music. This could lead into more sales of their female dominated target audience’s magazines.  By using IPC Media to distribute my magazine, I feel they would be able to get my magazine to my target audience easily as they’ve got a huge audience base.