Sunday 27 February 2011

E: This year must have been exciting for you?
F:  Yeah! Has been great. Its gone so quick and been so crazy!

E: Being very young, do you find it difficult in the music industry?
F: Erm, yes but I suppose it makes you a stronger person if you can deal with a tough industry such as this one.

E: We love your new album by the way.
F: Thank you, I wanted to inspire people to make music.  I wanted to people feel different emotions when listening to this album whether it be happiness or sadness.

E: I’m guessing with your busy schedule you don’t see many of your friends and family?
F:  No I don’t, but I jump at any chance I get to see the people I love. But they’re extremely proud of me for getting this chance of a lifetime and they support me all the way.

E: Did you always want to be a signer or was there a different career that took your fancy?
F: I don’t know, I always enjoyed singing and dancing and being the centre of attention but I never ever thought I would end up doing it as a career but as many children I dreamed of being a Princess [laughs].

E: You’ve met huge stars along the way in your success story!
F: Yeah, it’s amazing! It’s so weird when I bump into all these talented people and they know who I am!

E: You live in England so you must fly around a lot. How do you cope?
F:  I have one day a week where I relax and chill out and I watch my favourite TV shows.

E: Is there anyone your dying to meet or work with?
F:  I really want to work with a few people but especially Nicki Minaj. She is really talented and I’d love for her to rap on a song with me!

E: Thank you for speaking to us, it’s been a pleasure talking to you and good luck for the future.
F: Your very welcome and thank you so much.

Monday 7 February 2011

Music Magazine Contents Design.

This is a design for my contents page. I carried on using the font I used on my front cover for a professional effect as they use themes throughout magazines. I cut out a picture of the model in photoshop using the pen tool and making it a clipping paths then placed it in indesign. I then outlined the photo with white to give a informal look. I then used the theme colour of red and blue and black, but added white as I used grey as the background colour. I took inspiration from another VIBE contents, who's layout was also very simple.